Dear Parents,
This is my third "installment" in a series of emails I am sending out in order to clarify what we do in each of the subject areas. This one will be more brief than the last two.
Next up, English/Language Arts (ELA)...
Our ELA grade also consists of Reading, Spelling, Written Language, Grammar. This will be ONE grade on the report card made up of Tests (50%), Class Work (35%), and Accelerated Reader (15%).
Most Classwork grades come from vocabulary, and work in class from our Comprehension/Language Arts Workbook, Spelling/Vocabulary Workbook, and other various activities in class. The Test grade is based on the Spelling Tests, Reading Tests, and Writing Projects. Vocabulary is started in class and sent home to finish for homework on Mondays. Spelling pretests are given on Mondays. ABC Order is done on Tues. for homework. Comprehension questions are worked on along with the story throughout the week, and on Thursday, we usually take the reading test, and Spelling-3 Times Each is assigned for homework. The Spelling Test is taken on Friday.
We looked at Accelerated Reader in the last email. In order for the students to achieve the reward party at the end of the trimester for AR, they MUST meet their point goal AND pass all of their quizzes with an average of at least 85% accuracy. You should have also seen a letter that came home from the school, which tells how you can go online and keep track of your child's progress in Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math, and Math Facts in a Flash. Let me know if you have any trouble on the site, or if you didn't see the letter and I'll see if I can get you another one.
More to come...
Thank you,
Mr. Shaw